Zdravo svima!
Prvo zelim da se izvinim svima sto me nije bilo neko duze vrijeme,ali sada sam tu i pokusacu da budem sto aktivnija!
Zato pocnimo sa novim postom.
Septembar i pola Oktobra je period u godini kada imate dosta suncanih dana(preostalih od ljeta).Bar ovdje kod nas u Crnoj Gori :)
Na ovaj divan suncani dan ja sam nosila plave farmerke iz Stradivarious-a iz kolekcije Skinny, zatim ovu predivnu i savrsenu majicu iz Bershke u folurescentno pink nijansi (mozete je nositi na neke lude zurke ili neke dogadjaje gdje zelite biti primjeceni)Moja crna jakna iz Zare i naravno moje patike iz NOVE kolekcije Puma takodje u folorescentnim bojama.
Ako zelite da znate gdje sa kupila moje cool steampunk naocare,kupila sam ih na instagram stranici Mne shop.Ali ako zivite negdje sa strane mozete ih naci bilo gdje...
Hvala za sve!!
love you
Hi everybody!
First I want to apologize to everyone for being away for long time, but now I'm here and I will try to be more active!
So let's get start with new post.
September and a half October is time of year where you have a lot of sunny days.At least to us in Montenegro :)
So on this sunny day I wear blue jeans Stradivarious from colection Skinny, than this beautiful AMAZING T-shirt from Bershka in color flourescent pink (you can use her for some crazy parties or some events If you want be noticed ).My black jacket from Zara of course and my sneakers NEW collection from Puma wear in flourescent color.
If you want to know where I buy this cool steampunk sunglasses,I buy them on ig page.Mne shop
If you live abroad you will find them anyway...
Thanks for all!
love you
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